You have decided it is time to think about getting a new job. Preparing well will give you the best chance of landing the role you are looking for. So watch these videos with Macstaff MD Anthony McCormack, to put yourself in the best possible position.
Six months after Macstaff were ‘presented’ with the prestigious TEAM Member of the Year award, MD Anthony McCormack finally got the silverware in his hands to celebrate properly.
In the post-Brexit landscape, MD Anthony McCormack says to job candidates: Why limit your employment options to the UK or the EU when Britain is moving towards working collaboratively with the rest of the world?
Macstaff are now able to leverage the power of NPA's global network to source candidates on a global scale, to fill positions in the UK and around the world.
Are you worth more than what you are getting paid? Finding the answer to that question is a tough ask. Anthony McCormack gives some ideas as the best way to go about finding the answer and crucially, how to keep salary issues in perspective while doing so.
The trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic may well have forced people to concentrate short-term but Anthony McCormack argues that working on a long-term plan is still extremely important.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is hoping the country can build its way out of an impending recession. Anthony McCormack looks at the economic and political policies that could make that happen...or not.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is hoping the country can build its way out of an impending recession. Anthony McCormack looks at the economic and political policies that could make that happen...or not.
As the UK looks tentatively towards an end to coronavirus lockdown, Anthony McCormack says there are some big questions facing a construction industry which has clear and obvious problems enforcing social distancing. Careful and informed decisions are now needed.
Macstaff was three years old in February 2019 and to celebrate, MD Anthony McCormack is offering a free third placement to new customers. Find out the full details of the offer and Anthony's reflections on the growth of the business in this blog.