Macstaff MD reviews a 2020 that nobody will ever forget…
So, 2020…that was easy!
Said nobody I have ever spoken to.
I come from a background of saying that you should never lose. You should either win – or learn. So, hopefully some of these end-of-year thoughts might be useful to you.
Boxer Mike Tyson once said: “Everyone has a plan, until they are punched in the face.”
This year has been proof of that and proof that, sometimes, you just have to do what you need to do to battle through tough times and refine or either ditch your original plan.
You cannot control the environment at times but you can control your response to it. Your mindset is key in times like this.
The importance of resilience has never been more obvious and to keep showing up with enthusiasm day after day has been a challenge – but one that we have needed to overcome.
Remembering your purpose is important in these times and remembering why you are doing what you do. From a personal point of view, the purpose is to provide for my family and provide a lasting legacy business and I am not going to give that up because of a pandemic. A guiding light can see you through the difficult times.
The ability to be agile and change plans on a regular basis has also been important in 2020. From a personal point of view, my recruitment moved online and I had to move to a video interviewing system. Embracing change and doing things differently has led to some companies being really successful during this period.
We are all in the same storm but we are not in the same boat so be empathetic with other people. Not everyone has been able to cope both mentally and financially throughout this crisis. If we can have an empathetic view towards our fellow humans and have compassion towards them too, it’s a good trait to have. It’s good to help other people and community projects have popped up all over the place during 2020 to leave a lasting legacy of kindness in society.
If companies and people have shown good values during this crisis, they are rarely forgotten when times get better.
Finally, after much talk of the ‘new normal’ at the start of this pandemic, there really is ‘no normal’ anymore. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and find ways to cope with that.
In conclusion, 2020 has certainly been character building. If we can get through the challenges it has thrown up, we can surely get through anything.
I wish you a peaceful and safe holiday period with hope of a brighter 2021.
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